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Noleggio auto a Apodaca Airport

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Noleggio auto al miglior prezzo a Apodaca Airport(MTY)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Febbraio 2025

14 Marche di noleggio auto a Apodaca Airport (MTY)

16 Località di noleggio

    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      The store is located in the airport area, please follow the Airport Guide to walk to the store for picking up the car.

    • Telephone


  • 8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      If you have a reservation, when you arrive, collect your luggage and head to the arrivals exit. Please dial Tel +52 81 81 450 700 or +52 81 1600 5206 and Green Motion staff will pick you up from our office which is only 5 kms away. (Spanish) Si cuenta con reservacion, despues de que arrive , por favor marcar el Tel 52 81 81 450 700 or +52 81 1600 5206 y personal de Green Motion pasara a recogerlo desde nuestra oficina que esta a solo 5 kms.

    • Telephone


  • 8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Telephone


  • 8.5/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Telephone


    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      TERMINAL A: From baggage claim, walk 10 meters to the National counter. A staff member will direct you to the shuttle to our check-in area (500 meters), where you will obtain your rental agreement and vehicle keys. TERMINAL B: From baggage claim, walk 10 meters to the exit. The rental company telephone area will be on your left. Pick up the National phone and ask for a shuttle to our check-in area. Walk straight to the main exit and wait for our shuttle service. Our check-in area is about 500 meters from there. TERMINAL C: From baggage claim, walk 10 meters to the National counter. A staff member will direct you to the shuttle to our check-in area (500 meters), where you will obtain your rental agreement and vehicle keys.

    • Telephone


    • Terminal A
    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    800+ valutazioni, 7 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      After collecting your luggage, please proceed to the car rental area where you will find the Mex Rent-A-Car booth. An uniformed Mex Rent-A-Car agent will arrange the shuttle to pick you up and drive you to our main office to collect your vehicle. Mex Rent-A-Car shuttles are blue with the Mex Rent-A-Car logo. You can also dial +52-33-4170-8243 for additional information. if you need to report any issue at pickup or during the rental frame time,pls contact Mex customer service team at +52-3346242114or at customer.care@mexrentacar.com

    • Telephone

      +523346242114 / +523346242114

    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      Terminal A (Domestic) Go to the assistance module located at the top of the escalators near the baggage claim area. If there's no attendant, call 8110888231 to request a shuttle. After calling or receiving assistance, go to Door 2 of the terminal and cross to the central median to wait for the shuttle. Terminal A (International) As soon as you have your luggage, call 8110888231 to request a shuttle. After calling, go to Door 2 of the terminal and cross to the central median to wait for the shuttle. Terminal B (Domestic and International) As soon as you have your luggage, call 8110888231 to request a shuttle. After calling, go to Door 3 of the terminal and cross to the central median to wait for the shuttle. Terminal C (Domestic and International) As soon as you have your luggage, call 8110888231 to request a shuttle. After calling, exit the terminal and follow the sidewalk along the parking lot until you reach the designated bus and shuttle area.

    • Telephone

      +528110888231 / +528117658132

    • Terminal B
    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    800+ valutazioni, 7 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      After collecting your luggage, please proceed to the car rental area where you will find the Mex Rent A Car booth. A uniformed Mex Rent A Car agent will arrange the shuttle to pick you up and drive you to our main office to collect your vehicle. Shuttles are blue with the Mex Rent A Car logo. You can also call +52 (33) 4624 2114 for additional pick up instructions.

    • Telephone


    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      Airport Terminal Instructions AIRLINE PASSENGER: Location is in the terminal. FBO: Service to the private terminal is available at the main terminal. Note: tail number and name of private terminal in reservation. The customer will be picked up and taken to the location for checkout.

    • Telephone

      +528183690834 / +528183698592

  • 8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Telephone


    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.5/10 Molto bene

    100+ valutazioni, recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      From the Zona de Bandas continue approximately 20 meters to locate the area of telephones(shuttle). Make a call from the phone to request a shuttle and our agent will transfer you to the central office 500 meters outside the airport. Once at the rental office you will obtain your rental agreement and vehicle keys.

    • Telephone


  • 8.4/10 Molto bene

    500+ valutazioni, 2 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      Airport Terminal Instructions COUNTER: Counter is in-terminal. Located across from the terminal off Blvd Aeropuerto in the car rental area. CARS: On-site. RETURNS: Not available. AFTER-HOURS RETURNS: Not allowed.

    • Telephone


    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.3/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, 1 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      Counter located inside Terminal car rental center

    • Telephone

      +528181450039 / +528181450536

    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.3/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, 1 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      From Terminal A go to the baggage claim area. The Alamo rental counter is located 1 Km across from Terminal C in the rental zone. Please proceed to the Alamo counter to obtain your rental agreement and vehicle keys.

    • Telephone


    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.3/10 Molto bene

    200+ valutazioni, 1 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      Counter located inside terminal car rental center

    • Telephone

      +528181450039 / +528181450536

    • Passeggiata al bancone
    • Nel terminal

    8.2/10 Molto bene

    300+ valutazioni, 2 recensioni

    View details


    • Pickup

      The store is located in the airport area, please follow the Airport Guide to walk to the store for picking up the car.

    • Telephone


Vista mappa delle località di noleggio auto in Apodaca Airport (MTY)

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Buono a sapersi

Tariffe di noleggio auto più economiche a Apodaca Airport (MTY) è in Gennaio

Le tariffe di noleggio più basse al Aeroporto di Apodaca (MTY) sono USD 25.25 in media, e possono arrivare fino a USD 71.77 nei periodi più affollati Aprile . Utilizza questa conclusione per programmare il tuo viaggio nel modo migliore per i tuoi interessi.

Lunedi è il giorno più intenso della settimana a Apodaca Airport (MTY)

Al contrario, Domenica è il giorno meno trafficato.

20:00 a 21:00 è l'ora di punta durante il giorno a Apodaca Airport (MTY)

Più prenotazioni significano più tempo trascorso in coda allo sportello. Preparati se ti ci vorrà molto tempo per ritirare dal Aeroporto di Apodaca (MTY).

* In base all'orario di ritiro programmato di tutte le prenotazioni da Apodaca Airport (MTY).

La migliore tariffa giornaliera di noleggio si verifica per un noleggio di 7 giorni

La maggior parte dei clienti prenota un'auto a noleggio da Apodaca Airport(MTY) per 2 giorni, dimostrando che un viaggio di breve durata è popolare.

43.24% degli ospiti scelgono Protezione limitata a Apodaca Airport(MTY)

In media, Protezione limitata costa USD 26.41 al giorno per Small , USD 48.53 per Large e USD 24.71 per Medium .

Do You Know?

  • N.1 Paese di origine

    I clienti di Messico scelgono Apodaca Airport(MTY) come punto di partenza sia per i loro viaggi di lavoro che per quelli di piacere.

  • Piuttosto un pianificatore

    Messico Gli affittuari preferiscono pianificare molto più in anticipo, di solito effettuano la prenotazione online 9 giorni prima del ritiro dal Aeroporto di Apodaca (MTY).

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